My blogroll and weblinks portal. This exists as a means for me to share links to things I’ve found across the internet that I find intriguing or useful.
It should go without saying that just because I link to something here does not mean I agree with or condone everything you may find on these pages.
My Blogs
- Adam Thompson Photo - Hiking, backpacking, photography, and more!
- CyberChef - The cyber Swiss Army Knife by GCHQ.
- Compiler Explorer - An amazing tool that lets you explore compiler output.
- GTFOBins - Collection of Unix binaries that can be used for privesc.
- LOLBAS - Collection of binaries that can be used for living off the land attacks
- LOL Drivers - Similar to LOLBAS, but for Windows drivers.
- Payloads All the Things - Collection of payloads for web hacking.
- Hardware All the Things - Collection of payloads and bypass techniques for hardware hacking.
Reverse Engineering
- Intel Software Developer Manuals - Complete documentation of Intel CPUs.
- Understanding Windows x64 Assembly - A handy introduction to x64 Assembly on Windows.
- Introducing ARM Assembly Language - A handy introduction to ARM Assembly language.
Malware Samples
WARNING: These sites all contain malware samples.
- Vx Underground - Also contains a huge collection of papers and other resources.
- Virus Share
- The Malware Bazaar
Other Blogs I Enjoy
- brr - Blog about one IT workers experience living and working in Antarctica.
- Natto Thoughts - Blog examining the intersection of culture, technology, and security.
- Krebs on Security - Amazing investigative journalism into the cyber criminal underground by Brian Krebs.